March 2025 – to be announced

Photography Notes:

Complete rules for entering photo shows are included in the Monthly Show Book.

The Photo schedule for the Yearly OHA Convention matches our schedule. Please consider entering your photographs in the OHA Convention photography show.

Photography Guidelines:

  • Entries are limited to two per exhibitor in each class
  • All entries must be the work of the exhibitor and must have been taken in Ontario in the past 24 months
  • Please note that photography classes are the same as those designated for the GardenOntario Ontario Horticultural Association upcoming Convention
  • Photographs must be 4” by 6” in size and mounted to 5” by 7”. Photographs must not be in frames.
  • No name, date or title any kind is permitted on the front side of the photograph
  • All photographs should reflect the theme and have some horticultural content
  • Digital photographs taken with digital cameras or still photos taken with a camcorder may be manipulated by digital means by the photographer (cropped, sharpened, colour adjusted, etc.)
  • If fewer than three entries are submitted for a class, the prizes will be awarded at the judge’s discretion based on merit.
  • A photograph may be submitted only once in a 24 month period
  • Judging Scale for photographs:

Horticultural Value 40%

Photographic Value 40%

Appearance & Impact 20%

At the time this was posted this schedule was current. Please refer to the OHS 2024 Show Book for any revisions or clarifications.






