Oakville Horticultural Society Flower Shows – 2025

Flower Shows will resume in April



  • Only one entry per exhibitor is permitted in each section for which the member is eligible. The exhibitor must make the entry.
  • Unless otherwise stated, materials may be obtained from any source.
  • Unless otherwise stated, any type of plant material may be used, including fresh-cut flowers, branches, decorative wood, dried or treated wood, dried flowers, fruit and foliage. No soil is allowed in any design.
  • A minimal use of painted material is permitted, but no artificial materials allowed.
  • Wiring of flowers is allowed but wire and other mechanics must not be visible.
  • Accessories (for example, drapes, candles or stones) may be used to enhance the design unless stated otherwise but should not become the primary focal point.2
  • Entries will be displayed on a 30″ deep table; no other space restrictions unless stated in the show schedule.
  • Entries must conform to any size constraints stated in the schedule. They should attractively fill the table space or niche. Because designs larger than the allowed size may be disqualified, careful measurement is important.
  • Entries that are to be displayed in a niche will be so designated in the show schedule (large niches are 36″ high by 24″ wide by 20″ deep; miniature niches are 5″ high by 4½” wide by 3″ deep).
  • For a description of design classes, please refer to the last page of this booklet.


Helpful Hints:

  • Use a dictionary or Thesaurus to get ideas for a design title or help understand the word(s) in the title.
  • Purchase your own copy of the “Ontario Judging and Exhibiting Standards” from the show chairs to help you better understand how to design and how to display horticulture entries.


Please Note:

All show entries — design, horticulture, photography — must be in place in the hall by 7:20 pm, prior to commencement of judging.


  1. Abstract: a design in which plant material and other components, together with space, are I used as design units, e.g., line, form, colour, and texture, to create original images free from unnecessary additions. Some natural growth pattern may or may not be apparent.
  2. Accessory: An inorganic object(s) used in subordinate manner to enhance a design of plant material.(An object that dominates a design is a feature.) A design incorporating an accessory should appear incomplete if the accessory is removed.
  3. AOC: Any Other Cultivar, means any other cultivar/variety/species not listed in the schedule.
  4. Dish Garden: A miniature landscape in an open, shallow container. (O.J.E.S. pg. 95)
  5. Educational Exhibit: This exhibit will be scored out of 5 points and the points will count toward trophies. Educational exhibits are designed to instruct the viewer in some aspect of horticulture (e.g., plant propagation, environment, endangered plant preservation, etc). The exhibit must contain plant material and should include both botanical and common plant names. It should also mention plant origin, habitat, culture (how it is grown),usage and history. The exhibit will also be judged on clear, concise presentation, attractiveness, quality and condition of plant material, originality and creativity. (O.J.E.S. pg. 76)
  6. Functional Table: A Show Table on which components for two place settings, are placed in a logical and utilitarian manner for the actual service of food. No cutlery should be included.
  7. Functional Table Segment: A Show Table on which components, for one place setting only, are placed in a logical and utilitarian manner for the actual service of food. No cutlery should be included. Must include a decorative unit that may be placed anywhere on the table but should interpret the theme and be compatible with the whole design.
  8. Interpretive: a design where a given, theme, idea, occasion, mood, atmosphere, etc., is suggested by the selection and organization of the design elements.
  9. Jewelry: A piece of jewelry (necklace, bracelet, broach, etc.) made with plant material, dried or fresh. The underlying structure need not be made from plant material.
  10. Landscape: a realistic style capturing a moment from nature. It can be completely naturalistic or stylized.
  11. Line: A design in which linear pattern is dominant.
  12. Mass: a design with a large quantity of plant material arranged in a closed silhouette with few or no voids.
  13. Modern: a design with no pre-conceived patterns, few components, new shapes. sculptural qualities, dynamic balance, movement, bold colours, constantly changing and elegant in composition.
  14. Modern Mass: A design of 3-5 groups of plant material, (each group composed of one variety of plant material), juxtaposed to give a sculptural effect. It may be solid mass or a mass with space.
  15. Parallel: A design in which three or more groupings are placed in a parallel manner with open spaces between the groupings. Parallel direction may be vertical, horizontal or diagonal. Design is in one container or containers combined so as to appear as one unit.(O.J.E.S. pg. 102)
  16. Planter: A number of different kinds of plants artistically grouped in a single open container. Window boxes are a type of planter.
  17. Plants and Flowers: An exhibit of growing plants with fresh-cut flowers and/or foliage. Any other plant material and/or accessories may be included.
  18. Pot et fleur: An exhibit of plants, in or out of pots, packed lightly with moisture retaining material, plus cut flowers in tubes of water, oasis or other material, all assembled in one container. Moss, decorative wood and rock may be included. No cut foliage is permitted. However, cut flowering and /or fruited branches may be used. (O.J.E.S. pg. 103)
  19. Satellite: a creative design, with a smaller design of the same colour, form and/ or texture, placed near its base, having a curving connective line that becomes a vital part of its rhythmic pattern.
  20. Small: A design from 5 1/2 ” – 10″, must not exceed 10″ in height, width or depth, and will be exhibited in a 12″ space.
  21. Synergistic: a contemporary (any style that is considered current) design in which several containers are used in a composition. Each container may hold a complete or partial arrangement and the combined units create a unified whole.
  22. Tray: A tray is always functional with components placed for eating. It should contain at least three dishes placed at different heights, a napkin and a floral decorative unit. Components should be well-proportioned to limited space and should be in scale with each other. Everything must be stable as a tray would be carried. Colour and texture should be compatible so overall effect is one of harmony.
  23. Under Water: a design with part(s) placed under water to create interest. Although the design must have part(s) under water, no definite percentage is required. The entire design may not be under water.
  24. Water viewing: usually a line design in a shallow container(s) with one-half to two-thirds of the container surface showing water.
  25. Vertical: a formal, geometric line design. The all-important feature is bold plant material set vertically to form a central axis.



