Oakville Horticultural Society Flower Shows – 2025 to be announced
April 2025 – Horticultural Schedule
6. Bouquet of Spring Flowers, under 10″ in any direction, no foliage branches. Scilla siberica (Siberian squill) or Ornithogalum umbellatum (star of Bethlehem) are NOT allowed.
7. Branch, forced – 1 branch cut to 30″ or less
8. Bulbs, forced, minimum 5 bulbs in bloom, same cultivar – 1 pot. Scilla siberica (Siberian squill) or Ornithogalum umbellatum (star of Bethlehem) are NOT allowed.
9. Chionodoxa – 6 stems
10. Crocus – 3 stems
11. Narcissus, trumpet/large cup, yellow – 1 scape
12. Narcissus, trumpet/large cup, another colour – 1 scape
13. Narcissus, multibloom – 1 scape
14. Narcissus, another cultivar not previously listed – 1 scape
15. Seedlings, same cultivar, minimum 6 plants – 1 box or tray
16. Tulipa (tulip) – 1 stem
17. Any other cultivar not listed above (AOC)3 – 1 stem or bloom
Oakville Horticultural Society Flower Shows
General Guidelines:
- Exhibitors are allowed three entries in each class, provided each specimen is a different cultivar/ variety/species.
- All entries must be grown by the exhibitor.
- The Society provides uniform containers for all cut material unless otherwise specified in the schedule. However, members may choose to provide their own vases. For very tall material, e.g., delphinium, large iris, or large branch the exhibitor should bring his or her own container.
- Specimens must be shown with their own attached foliage only.
- Where 3 specimens of the same cultivar are asked for, the specimens should be uniform, free of disease or insect damage and at an appropriate stage of maturity.
- Where a definite number of specimens is specified, that number must be adhered to.
- Buds showing colour are considered blooms.
- When a height limit is specified for an annual or perennial, this refers to the growing height of the plant not the cut length of the specimen.
- Houseplants must have been in the possession of the exhibitor for at least three months prior to the show and must not be shown more than once in any six-month period.
- Potted plants may have only one cultivar per pot unless stated otherwise.
- Plants should be clean and well-groomed. Insect-infested or diseased entries will be removed from the show.
- Scarce, protected, endangered native plants or poisonous plants will be disqualified. Refer to: Government of Ontario, Ministry of Natural Resources “Endangered Species Act”. Refer to ontario.ca/speciesatrisk
- The quality or condition of the exhibit at the time of judging is an important factor. Try to make sure the exhibit is fresh, free of blemishes, with dead leaves and flowers removed.